Natalia Brammen
Jul 29, 2021
Apocalypse Notes [Pierre Gaffié, France, 2020]
The post-apocalyptic sub-genre in film has been popular among various audiences going back to the earliest days of cinema.
Dean Archibald-Smith
Jul 27, 2021
Chi Chi [Chelsey d'Adesky, USA, 2020]
Much like Brian De Palma, D’Adesky is adept at deconstructing narrative tropes and reconstructing them with a kind of metatextual irony...
Paromita Sengupta
Jul 23, 2021
Stray [Wanjiru Njendu, USA, 2020]
Stray by Wanjiru Njendu traverses between the real and the surreal, confronting the socially problematic issue of the disappearance of black
Dean Archibald-Smith
Jul 20, 2021
2020 [Heléna Antonio, Italy/UK, 2020]
2020 was that year that caught up with itself. Probably not since World War II has the global community been brought so starkly into...
Sarthak Kaul
Jul 18, 2021
Water Walking [Mycle Scheuer, UK, 2020]
Water Walking is at its core a deeply personal film about how we all have to, at some point in life, no matter how painful...
Sarthak Kaul
Jul 18, 2021
When Will The Chameleon Speak [Lea Pfandler, USA, 2021]
When Will the Chameleon Speak is a tender, melancholic, but ultimately hopeful exploration of the growing pains of being a young artist...
Antonio Matei
Jun 22, 2021
Corona State [Cameron Chin, USA, 2021]
In the Covid era, everything is dark and apocalyptic; bad news and pessimistic predictions about the near future invade media and...
Freddie Deighton
Jun 20, 2021
Complaint [Peirui Yang, China/Spain, 2021]
Complaint is a very artistic short that seems to have a sort of science fiction story about the evolution of man and the dangers of...
Freddie Deighton
May 11, 2021
Dream [Nikolas Kasinos, Cyprus, 2021]
Dream is completely carried by the sheer charisma of Chrystalla. She’s not the most bombastic or exaggerated character you’ll ever see in a
Fung Ying Cheng
May 11, 2021
Finale [Anthony Vander, UK, 2021]
Whilst the nation was stuck under lockdown, Andrew Vander’s short film, Finale, refused to be.